Wednesday, 18 April 2012

A nice surprise from Sainsburys Longwater

We had a lovely surprise this week when Sainsbury's Longwater brought in buckets of flowers for patients and Star Throwers staff.

Sainsburys Longwater have nominated Star Throwers as their charity of the year and Anthony Perry from Sainsbury's, said: "The flowers had a short shelf life and rather than throw them alway or sell them off at a cheaper price we decided to donate them to a worthy cause".

Thank you to Sainsburys Longwater for their generous gesture!

Our photograph shows Anthony Perry from Sainsbury's, and Star Throwers Maureen, Carolyn, and Jo holding the flowers.

Thursday, 12 April 2012

Green Dragon Green Fingers!

Fundraisers and volunteers from a Norfolk pub did the dirty work to help a charity that provides vital support for people affected by cancer.

Justin Harvey and David Bear, publicans at the Green Dragon in Wymondham, were joined by their pub customers and friends to form an 18-strong team which helped to cut back the overgrown garden at the Star Throwers charity in Melton Road, Wymondham, before planting shrubs and flowers, including honeysuckle, conifers and fruit trees.

The landlords have been raising money for Star Throwers as their chosen charity and held a charity day in July that raised £2100, which was split, with £1300 going to Star Throwers and the other £800 being donated to Spooner Row Primary School for the school's Streetchild appeal to help children in Sierra Leone.

Mr Harvey said: "We wanted to help Star Throwers because it is a very good local charity and everybody in Wymondham has been affected by cancer in some way."

Above: Justin Harvey, front left, who has presented Star Throwers at Wymondham with £1,300 from the Green Dragon's Charity Day. He is pictured with Star Throwers supporters who have been planting and tidying up the garden. From left, front row, Kate Baker, Tina Martins, Billy Grant, Dr Henry Mannings, Ben Mannings, 14 and Rachel Moran. Back, Tom Grant, Tim Martins and David Lee. PHOTO: DENISE BRADLEY

Thank you to you all for your wonderful support. We really enjoyed the day.

Thursday, 5 April 2012

From John O'Groats to Land's End

On Sunday 15th April 2012 4 cyclists from Wymondham Post Office Limited will be setting off from John O'Groats to cycle all the way to Land's End.

Paul Wightman, Dean Whitnall, David Crisp and Trevor Manser will be pedalling all the way with Andy Howard driving the support van.

The team, all keen cyclists, have been training hard since January and hope by April they will be able to average 90 miles for 11 consecutive days to complete the gruelling challenge.

They decided it would be a good way to raise money for charity and we're grateful that they have chosen Star Throwers as their charity.

Details of the ride can be found on
with daily bulletins posted during the ride.

Donations can be made through Just Giving -
or directly to Star Throwers at 30 Melton Road Wymondham NR18 0DB.

The boys are so close to reaching their target of £2000, just need a little more help!

From everyone at Star Throwers, all the very best of luck and a good ride boys!