Special thanks to:
- Les King - our Patron, fundraiser and all round good guy!
- Green Dragon - for countless events and awareness raising
- Lord Russell Baker - for raising the awareness of our work and setting up the Norfolk Community Foundation Lord Baker Community Fund to support Star Throwers.
- Wymondham Rugby Club - for their amazing fundraising to support our work
- Chris Bartlett of Bartlett Signs, for yet more signage and the notice board at our Wymondham centre.
- Thank you to Stephen Hornby (SJH Garden Services) who has very kindly volunteered to cut our lawns once per week. It's very much appreciated by all here at Star Throwers.
- The Wymondham Choral Society held a concert in Wymondham Abbey on Saturday July 9th and kindly supported Star Throwers. The singing was wonderful and a bucket collection raised £259.56. Thanks to all who supported this event and also to the Abbey stewards for all their help.
- A Summer Garden lunch was held on Saturday 11th June 2011 in Stradbrooke and raised a fantastic £1067. Thank you to June and Alan Hampson who hosted the event in their lovely garden! and to Liz and John Smith for organising it. Thank you to all who supported this.
- Rondel Ladies Group-a very kind donation from the Rondel Ladies Group of £50, to put towards the erection of our new notice board. Thank you to Mrs P Jennings and all the ladies from the group.
- Wymondham Town Football Club-Thank you to everyone who was involved in organising the Disco and Fish and chip supper, on Saturday 30th April, at the football club. £738.50 was raised and donated to Star Throwers.
- Summerhouse-a huge thank you to Steve Hayes for the donation of the beautiful summer house and decking, which our visitors can now enjoy at the rear of the building. It is so marvelous to have a pleasant seating area and we are looking forward to using it over the coming months. Thank you also to David, who have worked extremely hard to prepare the base for the summerhouse and all the other 'jobs' that he had done recently, in and around the building.
- Waitrose Donation-Many thanks to Waitrose and all those who chose Star Throwers to donate their green tokens to. Our share of the community matters 'pot' was £373.
- Yes to Life-We are so pleased with the donation of a sauna from this wonderful charity, with whom we work closely. It is really appreciated and we are looking forward to installing it!
- Gift Aid-We have just received £2804 from HM Revenue and Customs as our first gift aid payment. It is so important to fill in a gift aid form when making donations (if you are a tax payer), as every penny is important!
- Mary and Norman Saunders of Barford-a very generous donation of £727 was received from this wonderful couple who raised this money at a luncheon to celebrate their Golden Wedding. Congratulations and well done!
- Mayor's Community Fund-Many thanks to ex-mayor Colin Foulger for nominating Star Throwers for his community fund from which we have just received £750.
- Kate Barnard - Thank you to Kate who recently celebrated her 80th Birthday and asked for donations to Star Throwers, instead of gifts, in memory of her niece Anjie Mills. £1380 was kindly donated, for which we are very grateful.
- Hethersett Pantomime-A big thanks to all who were involved with Hethersett Pantomime's production of Snow White which ran from 15-22nd January 2011. It was a great evening's entertainment and at the end of each performance a bucket collection was held raising an amazing £2500, which was donated to Star Throwers.
- Thanks to everyone who helped and came to the Christmas bazaar in December. We raised £61.55 and was a great opportunity to spread the word about Star Throwers.
- Phoenix Charity Handicap Dart League raised the sum of £700 from collections after each dart match and charity nights, collected throughout 2010. Many thanks to everyone involved.
- Peter Williams, who raised £1,123.91 from a vintage farm day on his farm in Wreningham on Sunday, 5th September.
- All at the Windmill Pub in Wymondham who have donated £571.54 from various events including bingo nights and even a sponsored slim by one of their customers!
- Thanks also to everyone who has kindly donated money towards the cost of new signs, following the vandalism to the current ones.
- Those ‘Star Throwers’ who give their time to keep our home warm friendly and positive.
- Those ‘Star Throwers’ who help us when we need their expertise – website makers, fundraisers, electricians and handymen.
- Those Starthrowers who donate money to us so we can keep doing those things that make life better for all those who cross our path.
- The many people who have donated help and services to help us get this far.
Below are just a few of you, but to everyone a MASSIVE THANK YOU:
Builders: JT Builders
Plasterers: Jeremy Rake, James Collins, John Balls
Plumbers: Shaun Taylor
Electrician: John Barnes
Carpenters and fitters: Tim Martins, David Hastings, Paul Collins and the other Morley guys from Speedwatch, Steve Harris
Kitchen Designers and Fitters: John Blake, Rob Finfield
Wet Room Design and installation: A&S Fenner, Sam and Tim Martins
Wet Room donation: Impey UK Ltd
Painters: Tina Martins, Graham and Donna Warner, MJ Pragnell, Ann Coultas, Tony Sheedy, Maureen Walters, Carol Hammerton, Jane Mannings, Vicky Hastings, Freddie West & Roger Cordy
Door fitter: SAS installations
Window cleaner: Clearview Windows
Landscapers: Young Farmers, Wymondham, Henry Mannings, Alex Morse, Tim Snelling, Sam and Ben Mannings, Joe and Paul Nicholson
Massage Bed: Saffron Housing Trust Ltd.
Utility equipment: Rosedale funeral directors
Website: Initially James Thomson and Paul Dowrick. Site redesign and blog upkeep: Agile Marketing Ltd.