Wednesday, 19 June 2013

More Great News

In this era of austerity, we feel very fortunate at Star Throwers to have received support over the last 3 years from our local community, both individuals and organisations. Without this support, Star Throwers would simply not be possible and where it is today, having helped over 500 people affected by cancer since its inception through complementary advice and therapies.

On that note, we're absolutely delighted to confirm that over the last few weeks we have been chosen by The Castle Mall in Norwich, John Lewis in Norwich and Wymondham Rugby Club as their Charity of the Year (we are one of two chosen charities for Wymondham Rugby Club).

All three organisations were impressed with the work being done at Star Throwers and will be

supporting the charity through raising awareness of our services and fundraising through various events. We're very proud to be working together with these partners to further our cause.

Please check back regularly on our blog and facebook, more details on events to follow!

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Garden Party a Resounding Success

Last Saturday we held our afternoon Garden Party at our care centre on Melton Road.

Initially the weather didn't look very promising as the morning brought rain, hail and thunder but fortunately as guests started to arrive they brought the sunshine along with them, which remained with us for majority of the afternoon.

With the help and support of wonderful volunteers a wide array of stalls were on offer including strawberry cream teas, a cake stall, garden stall, pimms and lemonade, garden games, and a jewellery stall, as well entertainment from djembe drummers, a guitarist and a magician. Guests also had a chance to play our raffle and tombola, thanks to kind donations from various donors.

Over 200 people attended the day and in total everyone helped to raised an amazing £1835 to support our work. I would just like to publicly thank all of those people for coming, as well our volunteers who always give their time so tirelessly and all the donors who helped make the day possible.

In no particular order, thank you to:

Justin and his team from the Green Dragon, Magic Dave, James Summerhill, Jeanette and Neil Holland, Alan and Joan Garnham, Ann Milner, Roz Revell and John, Myschell and Yasmine Lyndle, Robin Elvin, Jackie and Ralph Turner, Jo and Brian Hilton, Wymondham Bridewell W.I, Waitrose Wymondham, Jo Ford, Yvonne Flegg, Jan Goodchild, Maureen and Richard Walters, Rod and Jan Webster, Caitlin Moore, Lesley Allen, Elaina and Lisa Cullings, Tina Wilkins, Elaine Smith, Rosa Musgrave, Shelly Coles, DGAS Djembe group, Caroline Pocock, Victoria Cartwright, Maria Hewkin, Maria Whetton and Louise Mickleborough, Rosedale Funeral Home, Amanda Lansom, Nick Lane, Patricia Lane, Tim Martins, Wendy Winterbottom, Pat Wooster, Jemma Ng-Ho, Kate Harrison, Vonnie Bloom, Hazel Izarra, Jill Lamb, Pauline Chamberlain, Jill Chapman, Delphine Brown, Mary Atkinson, Carol Fairhurst, Alison Simpson, Ros Cogman, Sadie Wells. Sincere apologies to anyone who I've left out, we appreciate everyone who helps or supports us.

Monday, 10 June 2013

Garden Party Fundraiser this Saturday - Are You Coming?

Join us this Saturday from 2pm - 4:30pm for Star Throwers Garden Party.

There will be Strawberry Cream Teas, Raffles, Tombola, Psychic Readings, Fun and Games, Music, Entertainment, Homemade Cakes and more!

Hope to see you all there and let's hope for some sun!