Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Sportspark donation

Sportspark has made a £700 donation to Star Throwers. This donation was raised by Sportspark customers.

After visiting the centre, Keith Nicholls, Director of Sportspark said “Star Throwers is an inspirational organisation doing a wonderful job of helping care and support for local people and their families when they need it. I’m very pleased we are able to support such a community focused project, thanks to the money raised by our generous customers.

The money has been raised by Sportspark customers who have made small donations in return for copies of the Eastern Daily Press and Norwich Evening News, through a promotion in conjunction with Archant. Donations of £700 have already been given to six other charities and self help groups over the last year.

Everyone at Star Throwers would like to say a massive thank you to all Sportspark staff and customers for this wonderful donation, which will help massively with the work that we are doing.