Friday, 24 February 2012

Star Throwers welcomes new therapist Kimberley Carpenter

Star Throwers would like to give a big welcome to Kimberley Carpenter, the latest therapist volunteer to become a Star Thrower. Kimberley is a very talented lady and will be at Star Throwers every other Wednesday, volunteering her time to help people affected by cancer. The range of complementary treatments Kimberley offers include:

  • Aromatherapy: a gentle healing art that incorporates the systemic use of natural essential oils to promote health and wellbeing.
  • The Balance Procedure: a simple self development tool. Learn how to balance yourself. Start living in the present and move forward with intention.
  • Nutritional advice: a simple questionnaire & food diary gives great insight into your dietary needs. Simple changes to your diet can have dramatic effects on your health & wellbeing.
  • Acupressure: pressure points around the body show imbalances within the bodies system and bring balance back to the whole. Can be used alone or with massage.
  • Manual Lymphatic Drainage massage: boost the immune system, reduce oedema & detox the body using this very gentle form of massage.
We are really looking forward to having Kimberley in the team and we're sure she'll be a great asset in helping Star Throwers continue in our quest to support cancer patients and their loved ones.

If you are affected by cancer or know of someone who is, please call 01953 423304 to enquire about an appointment for a FREE complementary treatment. Kimberley's next clinic will be March 7th, 1pm - 4pm.