Final arrangements are underway for the popular Wymondham Open Gardens weekend, which this year takes place on June 9 & 10.
This year the Star Throwers' garden will be a part of event.
The event, which is held bi-annually, will raise funds for Star Throwers and Wymondham Heritage Museum.
In total there will be 28 gardens open. The town allotments, now enlarged to over 100 plots are also open to view during the weekend. There will be teas, plants for sale and live music in some gardens.
At star throwers we will be serving refreshments on the premises on June 9th, and Melton House care home across the road will provide refreshments on the 10th. There will also be a book stall at Star Throwers.
All in all, it should be a great day so why not pop on down and visit not just Star Throwers but all the other gardens too!
Admission is £5 per adult allowing access to gardens on both days from noon to 6pm. Admission programmes (including a map of all the gardens) are available from Wymondham TIC, Wymondham Heritage Museum, Wymondham Garden Centre and Star Throwers.