Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Partnership Ends with Sainsburys Attleborough

Sadly a year has passed and our partnership as Sainsburys Attleborough Charity of the Year is now over. We'd like to say a big thank you to all the staff and customers at Sainsburys Attleborough for your kindness in fundraising and raising awareness of our work over the last 12 months.

We were also lucky to meet some members of the Sainsburys team in person recently, when they came to present a cheque of £2500, raised from their recent sponsored walk and also merchandise sales throughout the year.

A massive thank you once again for all your support and hope that your partnership with new Charity of the Year is as positive as ours was!

(Above: members of the Sainsburys and Star Throwers team outside our charity shop in Middleton Street)