Monday, 6 December 2010

Coffee Morning proves to be a great success

raising money for cancer charity Star ThrowersThank you to all who attended our coffee morning on Saturday December 4th and we were delighted to welcome Wymondham Mayor, Mr Colin Foulger, who has selected Star Throwers as his chosen charity. It was particularly special, as the premises have been open for just over a year now and we were very pleased and humbled to see so many visitors on the morning.

Wymondham Mayor at Star Throwers with Aimee who donated her pocket money after our signs were vandalisedOne very special visitor was Aimee Kitchen, who recently donated £5 of her own money towards the cost of replacing our signs after she read in the local newspaper that they had been vandalised. Aimee, aged 8 from Wymondham, enjoyed having her photograph taken with the Mayor in front of our new signs.

The new signs have very kindly been designed and produced by Chris Bartlett of Bartlett Signs, so many thanks to him.