Star Throwers received a financial boost when a guest speakers night at Wymondham Town Football Club generated just over £1,400.
Norfolk boxing professional Jon Thaxton, former Norwich manager Ken Brown, and shot putter Danny Nobbs, who represented Great Britain in the Beijing Paralympics, were the speakers at the sold-out charity night on Wednesday. Wymondham mayor Colin Foulger also added.
Les King, life president of Wymondham Town Football Club, who organised and spoke at the event, said it was an excellent evening.
Star Throwers was formed in Melton Road, Wymondham, by oncologist Henry Mannings a year ago and continues to gather momentum as a centre of support and advice for cancer patients.
“I am overwhelmed by the support not only from Wymondham and Attleborough, but further afield from North Norfolk, Great Yarmouth and Suffolk. It is tremendous how it has taken off” said Dr Mannings.
Top picture shows Tina Martins, Michael Armstrong, Wendy Winterbottom, Les King, and Henry Mannings with a £1,400 cheque for Star Throwers cancer support. Bottom picture shows Jon Thaxton one of the guest speakers who kindly supported the event.
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